THROAT – Vocal Nodules

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  • Introduction to vocal nodules:

    Vocal nodules occur due to overtaxing and incorrect use of the voice.

    Incidence and Aetiology of Vocal Nodules
    • Age: Usually occur after puberty
    • Sex: More common in females
    What are the causes of Vocal Nodules?
    • Vocal abuse : Screaming, shouting, continuous loud talking, forceful throat clearing etc.This is seen in Seen in untrained singers, teachers, hawkers etc.
    • Vocal misuse : This means talking in inappropriate pitch and loudness.
  • Pathology of Vocal Nodules
    • Vocal nodules usually occur on both cords at the junction of anterior and middle one third.
    • In children and adolescents, the misuse of voice leads to spindle-shaped thickening at the edges of the vocal cords.
    • In adults, the swellings are more localized forming vocal nodules.
    • The epithelium over the edges of the vocal cords undergoes hyperkeratosis resulting in a disturbed mucosal wave.
    • Microscopically, there is submucous transudation followed by ingrowth of vessels and fibrous organization.
    What are the clinical features of vocal nodules?
    • Hoarseness of voice as the nodules interfere with vibrations of vocal cord
    • Vocal fatigue
    • Inability to sing too high or low tones
    • Indirect laryngoscopy reveals symmetrical small nodules
  • What is the treatment of vocal nodules?

    Medical treatment:

    • Voice rest and Vocal hygiene
    • Voice therapy
    • Steam inhalation helps to reduce edema around vocal cords in cases of laryngitis

    Surgical treatment:

    This is the treatment of choice for well-formed vocal nodules

    • Excision by Microlaryngoscopy
    • Excision by Laser Microlaryngoscopy