Causes & Types of Vertigo

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Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV)

BPPV is a common cause of vertigo. Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) is a condition characterized by episodes of sudden and severe vertigo when the head is moved around. The vertigo is precipitated by a particular position of the head (semicircular canals). Common triggers include rolling over in bed, turning in the bed, getting out of bed, and lifting the head to look up. An affected person may have attacks of vertigo for a few weeks, then a period of time with no symptoms at all.

Vestibular Migraine

In our practice 40 percent of the cases are diagnosed to have Vestibular Migraine. Vertigo may or may not associated with headache. Aura, Headache, Photo phobia, Phono phobia. Vertigo associated with head movements. Tinnitus may be present, because of inner ear vessels spasm. History of repeated attacks. Family history of headache and migraine.

Episodic, two or more past attacks history. Associated almost always with tinnitus, ear fullness. Decrease hearing. Usually with nausea, vomiting. Last for few minutes to hours. Rotatory spinning vertigo. Not related to any particular positions of body.

Inflammation of inner ear, usually associated with hearing loss, tinnitus, rest same as vestibular neuronitis.

Visual vertigo is a disorder characterised by symptoms of dizziness, vertigo, unsteadiness, disorientation, and general discomfort induced by visual triggers. It is currently treated with vestibular rehabilitation therapy, with no effective pharmacotherapy available for treatment. Patient is advised to avoid any stimulus which can produce conflict with visual field, like large moving things. To avoid TV, laptop for long hours.

“Cervical Vertigo" is associated only with defective inputs from the deep upper cervical muscles and joints, cervical vertigo is to be expected only in conditions where there is some definite defect in the upper deep cervical muscles or the upper cervical intervertebral joints.

Stroke, TIA
Even if you do not have any of the symptoms above, you could still be having a stroke or have suffered a recent pre-stroke (transient ischaemic attack or TIA). A stroke or TIA is more likely if you are older or have known stroke risk factors (such as smoking, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, atrial fibrillation, sickle cell disease, or a personal or family history of stroke or heart attacks.
But even young people with none of these traditional stroke risk factors can still suffer a stroke. Furthermore, these are dangerous heart conditions (Heart attack or cardiac arrhythmia) that can also cause dizziness or Vertigo.
If you do not know the cause of your dizziness or vertigo, call your doctor right away or go to the emergency services for assessment.