Local causes in the alimentary canal:
Acute and painful: Acute inflammation of the mouth
- Carcinoma posterior 2/3rd tongue
- Acute tonsillitis, quinsy, acute, laryngitis
- Acute oesophagitis, reflux oesophagitis, peptic ulcer of esophagus
- Corrosive injuries by ingestion of corrosive fluids.
- Foreign body impaction.
Chronic and painless:
- Laryngeal tuberculosis, laryngeal carcinoma
- Pharyngeal pouch, pharyngeal carcinoma
Oesophageal causes:
- Localised muscular spasm: Cardiospasm, Plummer Vinson Syndrome
- Congenital stricture
Simple structures
- Corrosion by swallowed poisons
- Secondary to reflux oesophagitis
- Schatzki’s ring
- Tubular strictures
- Carcinoma esophagus