Best Endoscopic Sinus Surgeon in Kharghar

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  • Functional Endoscopic sinus surgery

    As with any surgical procedure, complications can occur. These complications may occur during or after surgery. Some of these risks and complications are inherent in any surgical procedure, especially when general anesthesia is used. You should consult your doctor about these risks. In addition, possible complications, especially after FESS, include

    Skull base fracture

    The risk of this complication is less than 1 percent. The brain is separated from the sinuses by a thin layer of bone. This layer of bone can be punctured, for example by a severely infected sinus, especially if the surgeon does not have a clear view. Such a tear can cause some of the fluid surrounding the brain to leak out. Additional surgery may be needed to repair the tear.

    • Visual Disturbances: The eyes are located next to the sinuses. Removing the bone between the nose and the eye socket is usually relatively harmless, but can cause visual disturbances if important structures in the eye socket are damaged. This is rare. Blindness or double vision as a result of FESS is rare but has been reported.
    • Bleeding of one degree or another during surgery is common. However, uncontrolled bleeding caused by damage to blood vessels running in or around the nose is rare but can occur (2%).
    • Because part of the mucous membrane and bone in the nose is removed during surgery, there will be bleeding from the surgical site. Sometimes a nasal bag or sponge is used to stop the bleeding. The nasal bag is usually left in the nose for 24-48 hours to stop the bleeding. After the bag is removed, you can expect some bloody mucus and sometimes blood clots to come out of your nose. This is normal and should be expected.