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Best Throat Specialist in Kharghar

Best Throat Specialist in Kharghar

Q1)What is a Throat Infection?

A Throat InfectionSometimes called pharyngitis, can be either a bacterial or viral infection. It leads to inflammation of the tissues in the throat and causes redness, pain, and swelling of the structures in the throat.If You see any swelling in Throat infection or pain in neck then while swallowing.Get the Best Throat Specialist in Kharghar

Q2)What are pharyngitis and tonsilitis?

There are many causes of Throat Infections. Viruses are the most common cause and antibiotics will not help. Causes of Throat Infections include:If You are Experiencing pain or Swelling in back of Your throat.Consult the Best Throat Specialist in Kharghar

OPD Services
  • Viruses (most common)
  • Bacteria such as strep
  • Fungal infections
  • Parasitic infections
  • Cigarette smoke
  • Other causes

Symptoms of Pharyngitis and Tonsillitis

The symptoms of pharyngitis and tonsillitis depend largely on the diseases that cause them. For some people, symptoms may begin quickly; for others, symptoms begin slowly.Contact our Throat Specialist in kharghar

  • Sore throat
  • Fever (low-grade or high-grade)
  • Headache
  • Loss in appetite
  • Not feeling well
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Stomach aches
  • Some people may develop tonsil stones, which doctors also refer to as tonsilloliths or tonsillar calculi.A tonsillolith is a calcified buildup of material in the crevices of the tonsils. A tonsillolith is a calcified buildup of material in the crevices of the tonsils.They are usually small, but in rare cases, they can be larger.Tonsil stones can be a nuisance and sometimes difficult to remove, but are usually not harmful.Tonsillitis is when the tonsils become inflamed,symptoms include a sore throat.If You Experience Early Diagnosis for any of these symptoms visit Best Throat Specialist in Kharghar

Best throat treatment in kharghar

Tonsillitis Treatment

Mild Tonsillitis usually Goes away on its own as the child goes away on its own.This may happen even if Mild Tonsillitis comes back.

If your child has Tonsillitis, you can treat his or her symptoms by giving your child Drinking Frequent small sips of water or oral rehydration fluids such as Gastrolyte or Hydralyte, which can be purchased in pharmacies and supermarkets.You can even try home remedies for temporay relief from tonsils in case of chronic pain But visiting Throat Specialist in kharghar can give you expected results.

Giving him fluids with a syringe or spoon, or giving him ice candy to suck on.

Paracetamol or ibuprofen in recommended doses to relieve pain.

A Best Throat Specialist in kharghar treats conditions affecting your ears,nose and throat.they can also perform head and neck surgery

Sometimes the doctor may recommend a short course of corticosteroids to relieve pain. Tonsillectomy is the removal of the tonsils. Tonsillectomy is not routine surgery unless your child has severe tonsillitis that comes back again and again. If your family doctor thinks a tonsillectomy might be helpful for your child, he or she will refer you and your child to an otolaryngologist.Dr Vaishali Sangole is the Best ENT Specialist in kharghar


ENT surgery is an important field of medicine that assists with working on the existences of patients with a large number of conditions.ENT specialist are exceptionally gifted and experienced experts who are focused on furnishing their patients with the most ideal consideration.