Allergic Rhinitis is when your Nose is irritated by something you are allergic to, such as pollen, causing sneezing and other symptoms. For most people, it is easy to treat with medicines from the pharmacy.Are you suffering from nasal allergy.visit Best Nasal Allergy and Allergy Testing Doctor in Kharghar.
Common symptoms of Allergic Rhinitis resemble the common cold and include the following Symptoms of allergic rhinitis you should look out for
People with allergic rhinitis may start experiencing symptoms within minutes of inhaling the allergy-causing substance (allergen),such as mold spores, dust, pollutants, pet dander or pollen.
The Nose Produces a Fluid Called Mucus.This fluid is usually thin and clear. It helps keep dust, debris and allergens away from the lungs.Mucus traps particles such as dust and pollen, as well as bacteria and viruses.Find Best Nasal Allergy and Allergy Testing Doctor in Kharghar.
Mucus usually flows down the back of your throat.Most of the time you don't notice it because it is small and thin. When your nose is irritated it can produce more mucus, which becomes thick and pale yellow. Mucus can flow from the front as well as the back of the nose.The substances in the mucus can irritate the back of the Throat and cause a cough.Nasal discharge occurs when more mucus is secreted from the back of the throat.
Irritants or allergens(substances that cause an allergic reaction) can cause rhinitis.The cells in your body react to these irritants or allergens by releasing histamine and other chemicals. Rhinitis is usually a temporary condition. In many people, it goes away on its own after a few days. In others, especially those with allergies, rhinitis can become a chronic problem. Chronic means that it is present most of the time or recurs frequently. When exposed to an allergen, rhinitis can last for weeks or months.If you are suffering from allergy .Schedule an appointment With Best Sinus Doctor in Kharghar
Stay away from dust: Even in good weather, the amount of pollen in the outside air can be high. Close doors and windows to protect indoor air from dust and pollen. If possible, install high-efficiency particulate air filters (HEPA filters) indoors.
Regularly freshen up after coming in from the street: every time you enter your home, you unwittingly bring potential allergens into the house. So make sure you shower, change your clothes and leave your shoes outside every time you enter the house.
Wear a mask: Try to wear a mask when you are in a crowd or go outside. Use an N95 respirator mask, which traps 95 percent of pollen particles and allergens.
An Allergy is the body's reaction to something usually harmless, such as pollen, dust, or animal dander. The symptoms may be mild, but for some people they can be very serious.
Specialised allergy clinics: Some clinics specialise exclusively in allergy and immunology.Specialist allergists can offer comprehensive testing and treatment options for nasal allergies.
Schedule a consultation: once you have narrowed down your options, schedule a consultation with your doctor to discuss your symptoms and treatment options. This will also give you the opportunity to feel comfortable with your doctor and his or her approach to treatment.