Best Doctor For Tinnitus in Navi Mumbai

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  • What is Tinnitus?

    Tinnitus is a problem where you hear noises in one or both ears. In most cases, this noise is not caused by external causes. It is an internal noise that only you hear in your ear. The sound is usually described as “ringing in the ear”. However, it can also be a hissing, clicking, buzzing or other sounds. Some people with tinnitus hear more complex sounds that change over time. You may hear the sound all the time, or it may come and go.

    There are two types of tinnitus.

    Subjective tinnitus occurs when you hear a sound that is not real. These imaginary sounds are caused by nerves that are not working properly or by a problem in one part of your ear.

    Objective tinnitus is caused by a real sound in or near the ear, such as nearby blood vessels. Your doctor can hear this noise during the examination. This type of tinnitus is rare

    Symptoms of tinnitus

    Subjective tinnitus occurs when you hear a sound that is not real. These imaginary sounds are caused by nerves that are not working properly or by a problem in one part of your ear.

    Objective tinnitus is caused by a real sound in or near the ear, such as nearby blood vessels. Your doctor can hear this noise during the examination. This type of tinnitus is rare.

  • Symptoms of Tinnitus

    Tinnitus is sometimes referred to as “ringing in the ears”, but if you suffer from tinnitus, you may also hear tinnitus

  • Best Doctor For Tinnitus in Navi Mumbai
    Other medical conditions that can create ringing in your ears include:
    • age-related hearing loss
    • muscle spasms in your middle ear
    • Meniere’s disease (an inner ear condition that affects hearing and balance)
    • temporomandibular joint disorders that cause chronic pain in your jaw and head
    • head and neck injuries
    • high blood pressure and high cholesterol

    A simple overabundance of earwax can also alter the way you hear and may produce tinnitus.

  • Treating Tinnitus

    Your doctor will treat any underlying medical conditions causing your tinnitus. Blood vessel abnormalities will be corrected, and excess earwax can be removed. If medications are contributing to your tinnitus, your doctor may switch your prescriptions in an effort to restore normal hearing. Drug therapy can also be effective in reducing the sounds you hear in your ears. Tricyclic antidepressants and antianxiety medications, including Xanax, amitriptyline, and notriptyline, can lessen the ear sounds in some cases. However, not everyone responds to drug therapy and the side effects can be bothersome.

    Preventing Tinnitus

    Protect your ears from loud noises to help prevent tinnitus. Closely monitor the volume of your television, radio and personal music player. Wear the ear protection at sounds louder than 85 decibels - this level is associated with average traffic noise. If appropriate ear protection such as earplugs is not available, cover your ears when surrounded loud music or construction noise. Avoid medications that can cause your tinnitus symptoms to recur and schedule regular hearing tests with your doctor immediately detect any problems with the structure of your inner and middle ear.